Raising energy, health and spirit
My greatest joy has been to create and offer a safe, beautiful healing space for my clients; one that is sacred and infused with Love. This is a quiet, peaceful space where you will be cared for and fully honored. You can let go of the outside world, listen to your own inner wisdom and open freely to receive the loving transmission of the healing vibrations of Reiki and Energy Medicine.
Your time here will be a unique type of Self-care. While on my table, most clients receive messages from their guides or mine and have visions or receive meaningful messages. After your session, it is my honor to share what I see and receive for you and to discuss how to integrate this information into your life.
Step out of your day to day
and into the inner realms of
emotional and physical healing and wellbeing.
You are welcome here.
Reiki Master
End-of-Life Sacred Passage Doula
Minister, Universal Life Church

© 2024 Katharine Gates – All Rights Reserved
“All information provided by Santa Fe Energy Healer and/ or Katharine Gates is of a general nature and is furnished for educational/entertainment purposes only. No information is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any individuals’ specific health or medical condition.
Santa Fe Energy Healer is not engaged in rendering medical or professional services. Santa Fe Energy Healer makes no guarantee regarding accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or relevance of any text, video or audio content. Any content provided is not a diagnosis, treatment plan or recommendation for a particular course of action regarding your health and is not intended to provide specific medical, physical or healthcare advice. Do not delay seeking the diagnosis and advice of your healthcare professional because of anything you may have read or interpreted in Santa Fe Energy Healer’s content. You agree, at your expose, to indemnify and hold Santa Fe Energy Healer harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting from any and all claims, causes of action, suits, proceedings, or demands against Santa Fe Energy Healer arising from or related to decisions or recommendations you make using Santa Fe Energy Healers’ content. You agree that use of this information is at your own risk.”